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Saturday, June 27, 2009

Here it is. 5 years ago.

Kinda gotta go back to then cause it is kinda what started this. SO here we go!! I came home from work one day and my foot was really hurting me so my gf at the time gave me a foot rub and found a bump.. I didn't think much of it and it felt better. A week later after work it happened again but this time it was on both feet and kinda got scared.. So went to the doc he said he wanted them out soon in case they were Cancer.. This was in Oct when i had my first surgery. Said id be back to work after Christmas vacation..

So i went and had my first foot done and it went great within a month i was back in a shoe and ready to go for the next foot... 2 years 6 surgeries and really not getting any better. IN and out of work and really down on my self and life in general.. So after all that one week my fiancee was gone for like a week which never happened before so i new it was over.. She came home said she couldn't handle me and my foot problems anymore and gave me my ring back and left...

I was blown away. I wanted to leave my life i didn't care about much cept her at that point in time.. I didn't really care if i woke up the next day cause everything had come down and nothing was going good.. Then she left and everything my feelings ect got worse and worse everyday...
So i called my mom and dad and said i need people around and went there. For just about a month.
I felt better while i was there but as soon as i came back home and walked into the apartment everything came back and new i had to find a new place or id go crazy..
I came home form my parents because i had a physical therapy appointment so i went to it and he said he wanted me to get on a bike. After being in this pump up boot i had no leg muscles and he said. "not to scare you but if you twisted or land on your foot wrong you could possibly shatter your whole leg" So i went around and found a gym that was cheap no contracts and was open 24 hours.. Perfect for me!

After a couple weeks of riding the bike and seeing some people come in and out and lift i said yeah know this is crazy i spend this much a month and only go for maybe 20-30 minutes i want more...
Size 50 pants and pretty much the bigger the shirt or thicker the shirt the better for me. 3 4x plus a shirt under.. Eating fast food pretty much for every meal. a case or 2 of mountain dew a day probably close to if not over 2 packs of cigarettes every day.
Was not going in a good direction in any way..
So i was walking threw walmart one night and seen a Muscle fitness mag and figured why not so i bought it came home and read it from front to back probably 4 times that day..There was this one article that i thought was really neat (never in my life would i have guess that one little paragraph would of changed my life in so many ways) so i went on line and checked out the site and it was all about core training circuit training (kinda like INSAINITY in a way think that is why I'm so ready for that program)
So i went on there and told my story asked for help with a diet ect and they helped so much i went to the store got all the food they said to use and there i went..
No more fast food no more soda water and healthy eating...
The weight dropped really fast and the more it dropped the more addicted i got to it. At first i loved it i was all happy having to go buy new jeans every couple weeks or months then it started to get a bit expensive so i just got a belt :)
Its bee 2 years since she has left and I'm now wearing 36/34 pants depending on the style i wear large xl for shirts and just feel really good...
Just over 240 pounds are off me and i went threw so many different trainings and gyms even went almost a year at gold's gym and lifting with people that want to be body builders and things like that..
Last nov my foot acted up and been off work since but try to do as much as i can to keep losing and get into better shape.. But was at a lost really so one night i was sitting around watching tv and this info merchial was on and it was p90x i thought about it for the last couple months and have talked to allot of people mostly on Youtube. About it and met some really great people there.
And so i finally ordered it and am now waiting for the new month and joined a challenge and am ready for the next 90 days. I dont have a camera or a way to record video's just yet but will be getting them soon i hope. Well there it is my first real blog of what my life has been like and what it is becoming. I know it was long but i hope it wasn't to bad of a read.. I'm sure i wont have anymore this long but this is how i will update on my p90x challenge and my days. Till i can make a video .. And will get a camera to take Pict's of what i look like now though I'm probably not gonna post them till closer to the end of this challenge but well see!!! Anyways again thanks for reading and cant wait to start p90x...
Keep pushing play and have a great weekend.

First day..

Well getting ready to start my p90x challenge and am very excited.. SHould be getting my p90x on monday so am just waiting for the package to get here...

Will be updateing later today kinda my story and how this all came from my foot surgery to how i am as of today.. Well have a great weekend and keep going strong..


Never pay for a lead again EVER!